Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sweet Internet Connection!

Well it has been a very long time since I have last typed a message for all the blogosphere to read. I hope you all have been well!!!So Thomas and I finally got internet set up in our apt. Only what, after a year of marriage?!? SO weird to be typing in the comfort of my own home- I love it :)
Quick update: Thomas is going back to school full time at Liberty University Online. We are very excited, if he is able to handle the initial work load he wants to be down in a year and a half. It is so cool Liberty has 8 week semesters allowing Thomas to take more classes, in small doses all year long. The best part about all of this though has been that we will be able to do this without pulling loans or going into debt!!!!! Praise the Lord for his blessing upon our family. I am now employed as a payroll assistant. I am still feeling my way through it. I am learning that you need to have thick skin to work in HR, my skin isn’t that thick yet but I guess it is getting there. I am very lucky to have it though it is really helping provide the means for Thomas to finish school up.In the last year I have learn a ton, and grew up a lot.I have now been married for over a year; the joy that still fills my heart when I think about the last year of married life. Thomas is such a great husband. I cannot wait until he is a father. I know he will be great!!!

I have experience a loss of a true friend. The worst part about it is that I have lost a friend not to death but to circumstance. I think this has been the hardest thing I have had to deal with in a long time. When I moved to Phoenix I had lost essentially all my friends from KY. I can count on one hand the people I have talked with since I have moved. This major lost I have a feeling stems from this aforementioned ruined friendship. The things this is friend had said really damaged me, and crippled my mentality early on in my marriage. I was so torn up. So many questions had filled my head. A few months ago I was able to finally gain my composure, and seek a mindset of reconciliation. Not necessarily reconciliation of our current friendship, but of the pain created in the past. I can now say that a weight has been lifted off of me knowing that I did what I felt convicted to do, reconcile. I can really see how much I have learned about my sinful nature, and the grace of God and how he has matured me while recovering from this blow to my ego and friendship.I am slowly opening up to people out here in AZ, and becoming vulnerable to some deeper friendships. I am terrified, but excited at the same time. I have needed a good friend and I believe I am getting a few of those... The Lord is faithful and amidst all of this HE has been there comforting me all along.